Wednesday 2 February 2011

Digipak Images

The digipak is nearly complete now, all the images are in place, and some of the text, all I need to complete it now, is put the band and song title on the spine and it should be finished. I will post a picture of the completed design on here, and hopefully and image of it made into the actual product. However, due to lack of time, I intend to finish the webpage and make good progress with my evaluation, before I physically make it, to ensure I get everything done, and additional features can be added if I have time.
This image will be behind where the CD sits, fitting the same shape, (the right hand panel) as I showed in my design ideas, I'm very happy that it turned out exactly like my design.

This will be the front cover, of the colourful fridge magnets, also as I drew in my design, I'm happy this turned out how I had imagined too - the picture is slightly cropped on my front cover, so there isn't too much blank space.

This photo will be on the inside left panel, with the lyrics on the left side of the picture. I chose this photo, from the photoshoot we had, as I thought it represented the singer quite well, showing they don't want to be the main focus, but are still present, much like the video. I also think it creates a sense of ambiguity, possibly encouraging the buyer to find more out about the band, boosting their promotion. I used this photo instead of the one I took that had the singer with a button where his eye is, as the placement wasn't quite right, so the wording wouldn't fit comfortably, and I just felt this picture suited the album more. The other picture, that I drew in my designs, will be feature somewhere on the website.
Finally, this photo is on the back of the single, this is also slightly cropped, and has the track information on the top left corner, and copyright info. on the bottom left corner with a barcode. I like this picture, as it's very simplistic, but looks quite striking and intense, almost. It is also essentially identical to the picture in my idea, which I think is good.

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