Tuesday 21 December 2010

Filming Update

Well on the 16th of Dec I filmed the section of my music video that involves an actor, singing, for the second verse. This was fairly successful, as I filmed the entire part, several times, so I have different shots to choose from, rather than having to make do. I think the lighting was good, but I will need to check this once it is uploaded, as it was quite highly lit, but sometimes what looks good on the camera screen, doesn't quite transfer to the computer as well. Also the only real problem I had, was the make up I had intended to use. Firstly I had to substitute the blue colour for a green instead, and I change the colour/shapes slightly, although this was just due to circumstance, but I am still very happy with how it looked. But I had to put a lot of make up on my - thankfully willing - actor, as the first lot I put on, didn't seem  to show up that well.  After applying more, I was happy with  the colour, but again, I need to see how it looks once uploaded, because if the colour is not as strong as I want it to be, then that section will have to be filmed again. Hopefully this will not be the case, as it would put me back slightly in my schedule for editing and creation of ancillary texts, but if it needs to be done, then it will be. Also there was only a little problem with my actor, in that, he had learnt most of his words very well, but there were still a few little bits that he was uncertain about, that had to be filmed many times. This is another reason I repeated many shots, to make sure the mouth looked right, and that his 'singing' was convincing enough, as I have seen from the previous student work I have analysed, sometimes the 'singing' isn't hugely believable, and I made a point of wanting to avoid that in my own work.

Also today (21st Dec) I began filming my stop motion parts of the video, which I thought went particularly well, especially as it was the first time I had started on my stop motion this year. I managed to get the right lighting for my video, so I was happy about that, and the actual stop-motion itself seemed to go quite smoothly, no matter how time consuming it actually is. I laid the white background on the floor, so I could move my pieces easily on get a solid, steady base.. So far today I filmed the first 30-40 seconds, although I did film some extra different animations that I hadn't planned, as I didn't want to end up with not enough movement in the shots, thus slowing the pace. Tomorrow I intend to film the rest of the stop-motion footage that will be included in my video, as I will be able to get the lighting the same as it was today, and I will also be better acquainted with the actual process of filming stop motion, as before today, I had not filmed anything in stop motion for quite some time. I will be prepared more realistically for the time it takes, and the precision that I need when filming, meaning the filming process will be easier, and more manageable tomorrow - in theory.

I will post again tomorrow evening, to update on how the filming went.

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